Hi, I am just popping in to add a couple of layouts I have done with Triplett Designs latest kit:
Decades ago. This is a beautiful kit, with great colors and the most gorgeous elements, below is a preview of the kit:
You can pick it up HERE
The first layout is called Victorian Fashion, the photo is one I found online and thought it suited the kit:
Next we have one called The Christening and is of my neice's daughter Layla all dressed up in her beautiful Christening Gown.

Not much to say tonight. I have had a busy day and am feeling very tired so will be trying to have an early night, but I still have a couple more layouts to finish off and I have to upload challenges prizes, organize next months challenges, so I can't really see the early night happening.
You all have a great night and I will be back in a couple of days.
Cheers Helen